Ideal corporate gift?

A board game!

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Why get a custom board game?


Gift for corporate

Looking for an original gift for business partners? Have a custom board game made and stay in the minds of your clients.


Great gift for

You certainly don't want your employees to bring work home. What if, in a fun way, they can get closer to the culture and core business of your company?


Fun team-building

You can play a fun board game with your team that reflects life in your company. The employees will then see themselves in different roles, and there will be plenty of funny remarks.


TSR In the service of scrap for TSR

“We were very happy to develop and produce a social board game called ‘In the Service of Scrap’ with Intelsol. The game captures the essence of our business activities and is based on the principles of purchasing, processing, and selling scrap metal. The development of the game was led by Intelsol in a highly professional manner, drawing on the rich experience and enthusiasm of game developers from the gaming community. The result is a fun, exciting, and unique game. It was very well received by our business partners as a Christmas gift.”

Mgr. Karolina Menhardová, TSR Czech Republic s.r.o.

A Happy Journey for Volkswagen Financial Services

“Our entire family, including two children (12 and 14 years old), played the game. After initial hesitation about the method of buying cars, we really enjoyed it. I appreciate that during the game, they understood the differences between operating leasing and a loan. The game’s graphics are very well done, and we are very satisfied overall.”

Tereza Šímová, Volkswagen Financial Services

Stastnou cestu
Spolecna cesta

Corporate presentation through a board game? It works!

The board game “The Common Journey” is a cooperative game that illustrates the process of a project at Intelsol. Clients who have tried it immediately understood how we think about things, and this laid a solid foundation for subsequent business relationships.

If you want to try it, click the button, and we will arrange its delivery.

“From a company like Intelsol, you would expect them to come up with a creative gift based on their focus (the blacksmith’s horse does not apply here). But it’s a great experience when the Intelsol team played their board game with us, and we understood that Intelsol is not just our business partner we communicate with, but a lot more has to happen before the items arrive with us.”

Štěpán Váňa, Performatio

How will it work?

deskove hry
deskove hry
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Looking for a pocket-sized alternative?

We love games, which is why we offer several. If you’re looking for something smaller, check out our selection of pocket and card games.


Want more information?
Our specialists will get in touch with you

Your personal data will be processed by Intelsol s.r.o., ID: 02774569, for the purpose of handling your inquiry. More information on the processing of your personal data can be found here.


  1. Úkolem je představení businessu  TSR, obchodování se šrotem,  pomocí zábavné deskové hry.
  2. Návrh konceptu hry, jejíž cílem je ovládnutí trhu. Následuje odsouhlasení klientem.
  3. Vývoj herního systému, kombinace materiálů připomínající šrot a důkladné testování.
  4. Grafické zpracování s reálnými fotkami a minimalistickým designem.
  5. Výroba prototypu a odladění detailů s klientem pro dokonalý výsledek.
  6. Realizace i distribuce deskové hry pro nadšené partnery a přátele společnosti TSR.

Vyrobených her


Cena hry


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