Looking for a Unique Gift?

We'll create a custom building kit from LEGO® bricks for you.

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Why should you have a Custom Building kit from LEGO® bricks?


Quality of a beloved brand

We exclusively use original LEGO® bricks for crafting all models and assembling kits.


Eco-friendly solution

Our kits are created from second-hand original LEGO® pieces, all of which have previously been used - thus giving them a second life. Not only does this reduce the overall cost of the kit, but it's also environmentally friendly.


Unique brand representation

Why settle for giving away the same promotional pens and mugs as every other company? We can create a custom model according to your exact specifications, whether it's a Formula 1 car or a football stadium.


Impress your business partners

Leave a lasting impression and stay in the minds of your clients with a kit that not only captures their interest but also provides entertainment. The assembled model will remind them of your company every time they see it.


Perfect gift for onboarding

Do you want your employees to develop a connection with your product or industry? Let them build their own model from our kit and take home not just a new skill but also an entertainment tool for their evening.

How does it work?


Before & after examples

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Examples of models and their prices

e35451ae 6d56 458b 817b 22b1e283f1e3

Model size: 34 x 180 x 49 mm
Number of pieces: 103

Price: 30.10 EUR without VAT

6727d9a5 b2eb 4e4b a60d c3aa5e1bf8ac

Model Size: 39 x 150 x 70 mm
Number of Pieces: 221

Price: 30.20 EUR without VAT

e693dfd0 49d1 494e 84b4 7a90273b2b87

Model Size: 137 x 280 x 134 mm
Number of Pieces: 354

Price: 72 EUR without VAT

099c4435 b4de 4e2a a5b6 c4412fd64b92

Model Size: 130 x 190 x 130 mm (včetně podstavce)
Number of Pieces: 243

Price: 64 EUR without VAT

98880463 209a 4772 85dc e042ef0436e9

Model Size: 74 x 117 x 59 mm
Number of Pieces: 117

Price: 31 EUR without VAT

09745534 8108 4db5 aa24 450f4efbadc3

Model Size: 128 x 130 x 186 mm
Number of Pieces: 346

Price: 64 Kč EUR without VAT

5bfddcc5 0a4d 4de1 af29 0b75515ceb8c

Model Size: 370 x 70 x 70 mm
Number of Pieces: 343

Price: 108.5 EUR without VAT

bced5bdf 6079 44f0 aff2 d989e5f9fd67

Model Size: 160 x 70 x 70 mm
Number of Pieces: 221

Price: 37.2 EUR without VAT

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What Could Your Kit's Box Look Like?

We can design and produce a custom kit for you starting at just




*LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group, which neither sponsors nor endorses these pages or Intelsol s.r.o. products. Products sold by Intelsol s.r.o. are composed of used LEGO® bricks, but their final combination is not authorized by the LEGO Group.

Want more information?
Our specialists will get in touch with you

Your personal data will be processed by Intelsol s.r.o., ID: 02774569, for the purpose of handling your inquiry. More information on the processing of your personal data can be found here.

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  1. Úkolem je představení businessu  TSR, obchodování se šrotem,  pomocí zábavné deskové hry.
  2. Návrh konceptu hry, jejíž cílem je ovládnutí trhu. Následuje odsouhlasení klientem.
  3. Vývoj herního systému, kombinace materiálů připomínající šrot a důkladné testování.
  4. Grafické zpracování s reálnými fotkami a minimalistickým designem.
  5. Výroba prototypu a odladění detailů s klientem pro dokonalý výsledek.
  6. Realizace i distribuce deskové hry pro nadšené partnery a přátele společnosti TSR.

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